"The Forest of the Lost Souls" presented at the Polvo Criativo Forum in Lisbon

A short preview of our feature film "A Floresta das Almas Perdidas" (The Forest of the Lost Souls) was presented last night (14.03.2015) at the Polvo Criativo Forum, in Lisbon (Portugal).

Pictured on the right: actress Lília Lopes (Irene), Daniela Love (Carolina) and filmmaker José Pedro Lopes.

«The Forest of the Lost Souls» featured in Culturama

Actors Jorge Mota and Daniela Love in a scene from «The Forest of the Lost Souls»
«The Forest of the Lost Souls» (A Floresta das Almas Perdidas) is featured this week in the website Culturama. You can read it here (in portuguese).