«The Forest of the Lost Souls» featured artist: Hann Cassady

The mysterious song from The Forest of the Lost Souls's teaser trailer is «Smoke Break» by our featured artist, Hann Cassady.
Hann is a singer/songwriter recently relocated to the east coast from her hometown of chicago, il. She has released three EPs: 'Okay', 'American Spirit' and 'Love Bites'. She is currently working on her first LP.
Find 'Smoke Break' and more of her music on Bandcamp our LastFm.

Watch "Bad Cat" online, Creatura's debut stop motion short film

Creatura has just released their first short film, "Bad Cat" (Gata Má), an animated short film featured in festivals such as Motelx - Lisbon's Horror Film Festival and IndieLisboa.
Creatura is an artistic group created by Eva Mendes, Joana de Rosa and Sara Augusto, and one of the partners working on "The Forest of the Lost Souls" (A Floresta das Almas Perdidas). You can watch their debut short embed above.

Positive word-of-mouth for The Forest of the Lost Souls' first teaser trailer

Launched on December 11, the teaser trailer for «The Forest of the Lost Souls» was featured in fantasy website all over the world and received some very positive early word-of-mouth. Check out below.
"if this brief sneak peek is any indication, it’s going to be very unique."

"The set-up sounds very interesting to me, and while the teaser trailer doesn't give you much at all to go on, it does feature some beautiful black and white cinematography."

"The film is shot entirely in black and white in Northern Portugal and Spain. Based on the trailer below, the film looks incredibly beautiful. Pick any frame and print it on a canvas, it can hang in any art gallery and hold it’s own. The story is said to be a dark coming of age drama with a 70’s slasher feel. This unique combination leaves us incredibly intrigued as to how it will all play out."


"A coming-of-age slasher is a bizarre and unique genre mash-up ... the trailer is short, strange and surprisingly compelling... «The Forest of the Lost Souls» looks and sounds beautifully" bizarre."
Scream the Horror Magazine 

"It is a horror story into a drama about the advent of adulthood, an intelligent cross-gender characters to limit their feelings in an unusual and strange place. A film to consider."

"The Forest of the Lost Souls" presented at the Shortcutz Film Festival in Viseu (Portugal)

The official teaser and exclusive live teaser for "The Forest of the Lost Souls" were screened on December 11 at the Shortcutz Film Festival in Viseu.
Director José Pedro Lopes and composer Emanuel Grácio were at an Q&A at the screening.
A doll version of Carolina (by the artist Maria Laroca), the protagonist of the film, and the actual portrait of Irene were also there.

Carolina as a Laroca Doll

Director and Composer signing some posters

Irene's portrait and some portcards

Teaser trailer now online

The teaser trailer for "A Floresta das Almas Perdidas" (The Forest of the Lost Souls) is now online. Discover the world's saddest place in the unlikely company of Ricardo, a family man, and Carolina, a mysterious hipster.
More on the film on Bloody Disguting and Boca do Inferno (in portuguese).

"Smoke Break", the song featured in the teaser trailer, is by Hann Cassidy.

Teaser Poster for «The Forest of the Lost Souls»

Teaser Poster for The Forest of the Lost Souls, a coming of age slasher film due 2016.
A film by Anexo 82 Produções 
Originally released via IMP Awards and IMDB.